Monday, November 1, 2010
I LOVE dairy!!
Cheese (which is a MUST for pizza!), ice cream, yogurt and ALL of their many forms are some of my MOST favorite foods! After all, I can't have my favorite ceasar salads without parmesan cheese on the salad & in the dressing, right?
BUT, why is it that humans are the ONLY mammals that wean their children from the mother's milk only to put them on the milk from another mammal? And I know even some natural healers (think Dr. Mercola) support the use of raw milk, raw cheeses, kefir, yogurts with good bacterias and suggest you can use it freely. But then why do SO many people find healing for themselves and their children when they stick to a casein free diet?
Casein is a protein found in milk. And according to the authors of Skinny Bitch and Fit for Life as well as others, we lose almost all of our enzymes for digesting milk protein by the time we're 4 years old. (Side maybe those women that nurse their children well into their toddler years are not so crazy after all?? Hmmm??)
Numerous parents of autistic children or people with autoimmune disorders will tell you that eliminating dairy in all of its forms helped turn around the prognosis they'd been given by so-called "health" professionals. Dairy (or at least the lactose or milk sugar in it) can also feed Candida yeast which most people on the typical American diet have in excess! And then you're back to issues with the colon!!
I've even read that there are independent studies that have found too much dairy actually LEACHES calcium from your bones. What?? How come the milk mustache commercials don't tell you this?
If you think I'm crazy, just use the brain God gave you and ask yourself the last time any entity that makes lots of money off of the products you buy had your best interest at heart? Basic rule of thumb...the more money there is to be made, the less likely it is they or anyone in that company (or beaurocratic agency) has considered how it affects people on an individual basis.
I can tell you what giving up dairy has done for me. I lost 3 more pounds in 3 days (& I even had a little twice on some ceasar salads!). And the best benefit? I no longer wake up, head straight to the bathroom & spend 2-3 minutes blowing my nose. Honest truth- At one point, I did not have to blow my nose at ALL for 6 days straight! For someone that used to have horrible seasonal allergies (colon cleansing took care of most of those years ago!), not having the daily emptying of my nasal passages has been great! We've even had several dramatic warm & cold weather shifts in the last 2 weeks & my sinuses haven't even been affected.
Have I had cravings for pizza? Of course! And I'll just have to learn to fix it with loads of veggies and no cheese. Will I sometime slip & have some dairy? Probably! But for now, switching to coconut milk in my coffee and having a rare spoonful of coconut milk ice cream has been enough to satisfy the desire for something I thought I could never give up.
On to the next thing!
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